Sample Concierge Package for Employers and/or Businesses

  1. One free sexual harassment seminar given by Loveless Law Firm to all employees (required by federal law yearly);

  2. Each month, 1 free 2-hour meeting with HR management about any issues/concerns Employer/Business requests;

  3. Free draft and revisions of the Employee Handbook updated with the most current regulations and tailored to Employer/Business’ needs;

  4. Draft all templates for the salaried and independent contractor employee agreements;

  5. Revise employment agreements and handbook once a year to include any amendments to the law;

  6. Initial review and analysis of all existing employment policies, procedures and related materials for compliance to California, Texas, and Federal labor laws;

  7. Employer/Business has priority so that we will make ourselves available when needed;

  8. Update current employee schedules to insure compliance with current Federal, California, and Texas wage and hour laws;

  9. Establish procedures and employee agreements for HIPAA compliance and minimizing Employer/Business’ liability;

  10. Hiring and Firing Consultations are included as needed;

  11. Establish and/or Update a performance review policy and procedure for all employees, including detailed record-keeping;

  12. Initial handling of all legal complaints and/or administrative actions filed against Employer/Business. Initial analysis of complaint or charge, a responsive pleading and/or letters, initial propounding of and/or response to discovery – any other dispositive motions and/or actions would be billed out at a reduced hourly rate; and

  13. Any additional services requested would be billed at our discounted hourly rate. This package is available to Employer or Business for a monthly retainer, covering all of the aforementioned information and services.